University High School
Bloomington, Indiana
Jordan Ave School
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Earlier Announcements

5/20/08 See an article about Fred Gregory ('44) on the 1944 page, or see the original Princeton (University) Alumni Weekly article here"  
4/12/08 '54 is having a 54th reunion - and they are inviting anyone from the classes of '50-'59 to a big 50s event on September 13.  Contact Dick Anderson for more information.
8/23/07 '52 and '57 are having reunions on the weekend of Oct 12-14.  '63 is going to have one in 2008.  Anyone else?
5/18/07 One email I just put on this site was an obituary sent last December for teacher ('55) David Maish.  See it on the page for Faculty and Staff.
-- Margaret
2/08/07 There will be 20-25 UHS Alumni/ae and family members having dinner at Chapmans on East Third St. in  Bloomington at 6:00 pm on Saturday, February 10.  If you'd like to join us for dinner, contact the perpetrator, Hugh Hazelrigg.  If you can't dine with us and want to drop by, by all means do that.  We'll look forward to seeing any and all alums.
2/06/07 A secret website for the enjoyment of members of the class of '58 and all their friends - in the words of Tom Hensley:  Subject: [UHS] The QRUD redux
" This is the address. It's a secret. Guard it with your life. Or  someone else's life. (I don't intend this site to be visible to the  general public, but it's not passworded or anything.)
6/12/06 The class of '67  40th reunion will take place in Bloomington on Saturday May 26, 2007.  Watch for email/snail mail alerts and registration on the '67 page.
6/12/06 Will you be in Bloomington on Saturday, April 8?  Another get-together is planned for anyone interested in UHS.  Place:  Nick's at 6pm.  Contact for more information.  These gatherings are generally planned by people on the IN-BLOOMINGTON-UHS-L mailing list, and anyone is welcome.  Tell your friends!
3/23/06 See the 1971 Class Reunion information here.  It's coming up June 23-25, and they'd like your reservations by May 24th.
2/22/06 REUNION VIDEO - From the 2/22 Herald-Times

Out & about
Calendar listings from around the area
February 22, 2006

2005 reunion video to be on sale soon
The video of the 2005 University School reunion is in its final stages of production. To order a video, call David Rowland at 336-1050 or Judy Schmid at 339-6138.

© 1997 - 2006 Hoosiertimes Inc. No commercial reproduction without prior written consent.

"This is indeed welcome news. I have received many phone calls from Univees inquiring about the reunion video:  they have sent in their order, their check has cleared, and still no video. I hope that you will be happily reliving our wonderful reunion before too much longer!!!!!!   -   Becky Bobilya Gregory '63"
2/6/06 Will you be in Bloomington on Saturday, February 18? - another get-together is planned for anyone interested in UHS - contact for more information.
1/23/06 Will you be in Bloomington on Saturday, January 28? - Some people are getting together for dinner at Chapman's.  You need to get there between 6-6:30 (depending on how attached you are at being on time for the $9.95 special, which requires that you are seated by 6:30), and you need to contact for more information and for a reservation. 
1/10/06 Check your class page to learn about upcoming reunions, or look at the reunions section of this page.
10/26/05 The final All School Reunion list has been turned in with 625 names, 571 of whom have paid and 54 whose checks have not yet arrived or who will be paying at the door.  Anyone not counted in the 625 can no longer get a dinner reservation.  Univees not attending the dinner will be allowed to come after 8:30 pm.  We'll be on the upper level at the Convention Center.  The cash bar will be open all evening.
10/22/05 Note - look at the page for your own class to see whether your class is having impromptu gatherings (or "promptu" ones, for that matter).  Though not yet there, I'll try SOON to list the class gatherings which I am aware of on the All School Reunion  page.
10/22/05 Subject: [UHS] DeAngelo's Pizzeria Co - Friday night (28) for class of '67  and '68 and friends

Hello '67-'68 fellow guineapigs,  How about meeting at 6 p.m. at DeAngelo's Pizzeria at Eastland  Plaza.  I will go there at 5:30 p.m. to stake out space for all of us  as they don't take reservations.  If you could let me know at if you will be there it  will give me an idea of how many places to obtain.   Also, I will  have my cell phone 801-916-0341.  Also, for anyone - tea at Border's at 9 p.m. (also at Eastland) - Ciao,  Elaine Caldwell Emmi <>

2620 E 3RD ST  BLOOMINGTON, IN 47401 - 5339  (812) 961-0008
10/20/05 Who's Coming? - 595 and counting!  Many classes will be meeting and greeting and eating on Friday a week from now - and getting ready for the big dinner on Saturday.  IT'S NOT TOO LATE - BUT HURRY - TIME IS RUNNING OUT FAST.  See the attendee list here.
10/15/05 If you are sorry you didn't mail in your reservation and still want to come to the dinner on the 29th, email Becky Gregory or Margaret Olson to see what can be done about that.  If you can't make the dinner but want to go to a class gathering, see your class page and find out there who you should contact.
10/8/05 Remember "Cowboy Bob" on WTTV?  Steve Miller '67 sent a picture.
10/7/05 Phil Terman ('62) sent a photo of Jim Terman ('57) in his UHS band uniform.  See it on the the '57 photos page.
9/26/05 Elaine Caldwell Emmi shared this Indiana Fall Colors webcam website with the  IN-BLOOMINGTON-UHS-L mailing list and it is worth sharing here, too, at this season of the year.
9/13/05 BHS Reunion - Sep 30 is "old friends visiting night" -  Are you an old friend of BHS in the 50s?  Look for an announcement in the paper.
Hi Margaret, Just thought I would tell you about our 50th reunion. BHS Class of 55, will be having their reunion on Sept 30, and Oct 1 at the Fountain Square. the 30th is old friends visiting night for other class members of the 50th's to come and visit. I hear they are going to put a notice in the paper about it. I would like to come and visit your all school reunion on the 29th, But since I live in Iowa and well be there on the 1st of Oct. Probably will not be there, But would like to say hello to any of my friends from UHS who remember me ---  Jim Murrell, BHS Class of 55
9/10/05 Tom Trotter ('52) will be in Indianapolis September 26.  Friends and classmates - join us for  a mini-reunion lunch!   More here ...
9/6/05 An obituary for Harlan Booher, who  taught junior high school English at Bloomington's University School from 1962 through 1966, appeared in today's Herald Times.  Thanks to Becky Gregory for sending this.  It is on the Faculty/Staff page.
8/27/05 We've had a disturbing number of people with addresses to which we did send mail tell us that did NOT received the All School Reunion mailing.  Please ask your friends and siblings whether they got their mail.  Help us make sure they do know about this event.
8/19/05 Class of '60 45th reunion photos are online now - thanks to Dave Campaigne.
8/14/05 Becky is receiving reservations!  Y'all come!  As time allows, I will try to list on the page for each class the names of people who respond to the mailing that they are coming in October.  Becky Bobilya Gregory ('63) is the treasurer for this reunion, and the reservations and checks go to her at the address given on the reservations form.  Her email address is listed on the registration form along with her address and phone number.  She has set up a new email address to use for emails about the reunion reservations so that those don't get lost among her other email.  If you need to contact her try
Mail about the All School Reunion started arriving in mailboxes on Aug 11 and should get to most of you within a week or so after that.  If you don't get it, we may not have an accurate address for you.  Send in your reservation form if you are coming ( Download the form here) and mail it to get to us by October 10.  In any event, if we don't have your correct address, do register on this website to let us know where you are.
The Class of 1965 website has a lot of photos from their recent 40th reunion.  What a great party!
7/29/05 The All School Reunion Committee is meeting on Aug 3.  Soon after there will be a mailing to everyone for whom we have postal addresses.  One or two members of each class have received copies of the address lists for their classes.  We hope you are on your class list!   The mailing will include reservation forms and hotel information.  Copies of those forms will be put on this website soon after that.
7/29/05 Class of 1970 Reunion Photos can be seen now, thanks to John Long.
Two more photos from Steve Miller are now on the School Pixpage.  See them and other school photos, including one of Hilda Knight Freeman, class of '39, standing, in 1938, on the steps of the brand new 3rd and Jordan school - sent by her daughter, Tannie Freeman Hinson.  Tannie '65 and sister Jamie '72 graduated from the new 10th St school.  Hilda's daughter Teena '62 graduated from the 3rd and Jordan school.
7/4/05 The mailing about the October 29 All School Reunion will not be going out until early to mid August.  The committee thought July was probably too early.  Look for it then.  If the list for your class shows you to be missing, or with the wrong hometown, please email Margaret Olson with your correct address.
The classes of '55 and '70 are both in town this weekend (June 24-26) for reunions.  They are having HOT and HUMID weather. 

'55 is at the Pizzaria at 5th and Grant tonight at 6:30 and is at the Indiana Memorial Union tomorrow for dinner.  '70 is at the Fourwinds Resort and Marina.  I hope everyone is having a great time (I'm sure they are, though the golfers are probably sweating a bit).  If someone will email me some pictures, I'll put them on the class web pages for the people who could not come to Bloomington this week to see.

Margaret Edmondson Olson, UHS '52 - webmistress
Class of 1960 - See updated reunion information.
I've slightly revised the page linked to as Photos.  If anyone has a web page with Bloomington or UHS related photos and would like me to add a link from the photos page, let me know -  Margaret
The old Elm Heights school closed as a public school in 1982.  It is now Harmony School and they are having a Capital Campaign for renovations of the building.  See their website for photos of the building, some history, and for more information.
Alumni Recognition Program at BHS North - This Alumni Recognition Program includes ALL graduates of University High School. If you have questions contact Jane M. Lewis at  Also see - Thank you for your help. - jml  
Cougars for Better Education recognizes as one of its goals the encouragement of student excellence. We realize each student is unique and faces individual challenges with individual abilities. However, some students are able to take what they have been given and accomplish amazing achievements after graduation. We want to give those outstanding graduates special recognition both for the public acclaim and for private encouragement of those students still attending North.

We are looking for graduates who have achieved a high level of success based on their own situation. We want nominees both challenged and gifted. We want nominees both publicly notable and privately successful. All graduates of Unionville High School and University High school are eligible. Nominees from Bloomington High School North must have graduated at least ten years prior to nomination.

Each year a committee will review all nominations received by May 31st. Each selected graduate will be recognized with a plaque on the BHSN foyer wall, presented during a ceremony in the fall. Each nominee not selected that year will be re-considered each subsequent year.

We hope to have as a key feature of the wall one or more mirrored plaques with inspirational quotes. As a student walks by, he or she can see his or her reflection on the wall. He or she can envision himself or herself on this wall of fame at some point in the future. Success is as individual as each student.

We are asking for your help not only in submitting nominations but also in distributing applications. Tell people about this honor. Give out applications. Encourage folks to go to the BHSN website and download a copy.  We especially ask assistance in getting the information and nomination forms to graduates of Unionville High School and University High School.

As educators you've seen amazing achievements. Now is the time for those high achievers to get the recognition they deserve. Questions or comments may be directed to the CBE extension at BHSN: 330-7724 x 3702. Thanks for your help.
David Gray '65 lets us know that '65 has a Fortieth Reunion Web Page.
Welcome to those just finding this website!  We hope you got your All School Reunion announcement by now.  Please register to let us know your current address has changed - or has not changed - and to let us know your email address.  The registration form asks about joining a mailing list.  IN-BLOOMINGTON-UHS-L is used for general discussion and memories of Bloomington and UHS among interested people.  Subscribers now come from classes from the early 40s through the early 70s.  You won't know everyone, but you will know someone there.  At the moment close to 215 are subscribed.

It is not necessary to subscribe to IN-BLOOMINGTON-UHS-L for you to be informed about the all school reunion.  We will post that information on this website, and we will send postal mail in July to all addresses of record.
IDs needed.  If your mother helped with Girl Scouts in the 40s or 50s, take a look at this photo and help us identify some lovely ladies in hats.
All School Reunion, October 29, 2005: The first mailing went out today to nearly 2500 UHS alumni/ae, staff and friends. The next mailing, the big one with reservations information, will go out in early July.   We still have many people to find.  Look at the web page for your class and the classes of your friends and siblings, and let Margaret know the addresses of anyone identified as lost.  More on the All School Reunion.
See here an aerial map of Rose Hill Cemetery.  I've marked the locations of the graves of Albert and Clara Kinsey, Hoagy Carmichael and Daniel Kirkwood, plus one of an interesting stone with a helicopter inscribed on it.
More photos from Steve Miller - Theaters in Bloomington - and the Channel 10 Studios!  These are on a page called  "Around Bloomington"  11/23 - another interesting aerial view of the downtown area around the Square - from the 30's.
NEW!!  UHS BLOG!  (actually for '52, but we can all try it.)  Start one for YOUR class!  (go to like I did or start one somewhere else)  Let us know where it is!   Once again, see
TEMPORARILY - you can see (almost) all the photos taken at the '54 50th reunion.  They are there for  identification of people by '54 classmates who are going to make a CD for the class.  These wil be removed soon and a representative sample of 30 or so will be put on the '54 page here.
Steve Miller sent an historical photo of Elm Heights.
The All School reunion committee is searching for UHS trophies.  When UHS closed the students went to Bloomington North, but the athletic and other trophies may have gone elsewhere.  Does anyone know where any of them might be?  Email Margaret Olson with clues.
Steve Miller sent a postcard photo of the back side of the 3rd and Jordan UHS.  See it and other school photos, including the page from the 1964 Jordannus about the move from 3rd Street to 10th Street.
Dave Campaigne would like to identify these children (part of the Crest Toothpaste study done by Dr Muhler)Email Dave with the answer - and we'll post it here.
I've added a FRIENDS page for friends from BHS and elsewhere who remember UHS and students and teachers there.  Right now you can go there to see photos of the old BHS buildings (thanks to Steve Miller '67).
I have finally finished sending messages to people registered on the UHS pages at  Fewer than 30% of them have even read the messages they were sent, which I find surprising.  Of the people who have read the messages less than 30% have responded, though I suspect most have looked at this web page.  Welcome to those who are reading this now.  Check out your class page, and get in contact with some old friends!
I have begun to contact members of the class of 1964 who are registered on  Classmates, for good reason having to do with spam, does not make the contact easy.  I can only send 20 messages a day, and must do them individually.  I hope to hear from many or all, and that they all visit this website and will pass on the word to other classmates.  I hope to get a lot of corrections and additions to my list.  I have not yet checked all yearbooks for pictured members of senior classes, but will be doing that in Bloomington at the library when I and my notebook computer get a chance.

I started this emailing with '64 because '64 does not seem to have plans (yet) for a 40th reunion, while I know '54 and '44 have reunion plans made already.  If '64 can't get a reunion going this year, maybe they can all come on October 29, 2005 when the all school reunion will be held.  I'll be doing other classes - 20 messages a day - for awhile.  I'll keep you up to date on the progress.  - Margaret
See the 1958 Commencement Program and the 1960 Commencement Program  (Thanks to Judy White '59).
Want to show your kids/grandkids Senior Cords?    Pictures from the 1959 Jordannus are on the '59 page.
Stuart Curry '64 sent this photo of an Elm Heights 6th Grade class in 1958.  If you have a similar photo you want to have on this web page, email Margaret.
The Class of 1959 will be enjoying their 45th reunion July 30-31 in Bloomington.
Art Fell writes:  This might be called a mini-reunion for UHSers.  Everyone is  invited and we are sure everyone knows where Alumni Hall is.  Hope to see you there.  Warm regards, art

You are cordially invited to attend a café-concert  featuring Eleanor Fell (UHS '62), harp, and Art Fell (UHS '53), piano, - brother and sister duo.

When:  Friday, July 9, 2004 at 8 PM
Where:  Alumni Hall, Union Building, Indiana University Campus,  Bloomington, Indiana

Admission is free.  We hope to see you there.  This performance is part of the USA International Harp Competition taking place July 1-11, 2004, in Bloomington.

P.S. Please feel free to pass this information to friends or to bring friends.
All School Reunion - The Bloomington Convention Center (some of us remember an auto dealership in that space) has been reserved for a reunion dinner on  October 29, 2005.  There will be additional activities planned for the weekend, also.  The next planning meeting will be on May 27,2004.  If you have comments or want to help,  email Margaret Olson.  I'll get the comments to the people making the plans.
Faculty/Staff page has grown considerably.  If you have additions, please contact Margaret Olson.  Also - Do you have a program from your commencement which you'd let me scan for inclusion on this website?  These programs are good resources for getting names of all graduates and staff from each year, and they scan nicely for the web.
The Commencement program for '63 is online.
Bloomington skyline taken from the Bloomington Hospital parking garage - a Steve Miller photo.  Note the flowering trees along Rogers - Bradford Pears, I think.  East 3rd street from Lincoln to Dunn is lined with these - all in bloom in early April.
We have Photos ... 1967 photos from Steve Miller, and 1952 photos from Margaret Olson and the '52 reunion book.
Stuart Curry ('64) has been reading messages on about Sarkes Tarzian and sends this photo.
Steve Miller ('67) writes of the death about two weeks ago of Silas Warner ('66).
Steve Herminghausen, son of Warren Herminghausen and nephew of Richard Herminghausen, both of the class of 1945, reports the death on March 4, 2004 of his uncle Richard.
David Stephan lets us know that Ted McCreary ('50) passed away on January 15, 2004, and Becky Gregory sends word of the death of Marilyn Seward Warden ('40) on February 5, 2004.
Happy Holidays U-Schoolers from the Classes of Fifty-one/two/three! (and anyone else we know).
You all come and bring your Beloved to Casey Key on Valentine’s Day, 2004 for a Florida get-together on the Gulf from one to sundown at the Somachs.
 Roberta Fox Somach, 2701 Casey Key Road, Nokomis, FL  34275-3391, 941-966-2247
Reunions, anyone?  1944 has a 60th planned for October 2004.  Anyone else?  Let me know.
Jerry McIntosh sent word to Becky Gregory that Bill Stafford had died.  Becky writes: "Mr. Stafford was the Dean of Boys during the 60's. He submitted a lovely letter for our 40th Reunion (1963) last summer, so his death is fairly recent.
The October 23, 2003 Bloomington Herald-Times has an obituary for Mary Beth Stapleton Booze ('51)
'50 met for a noon get together lunch on Oct 21, 2003 at the American Legion in Bloomington - see the 1950 page - and see Photos
David Stephan ('50) forwarded a message about the death of Karen Lindesmith ('49)
Walt Francis, ('60) was seen on C-Span this Friday (June 6), around 10 o'clock (AM) eastern time, as a witness at the Senate Finance Committee hearing on Medicare reform.
Class of 1953 50th Reunion - May 29-31.   See the 1953 page.
Finally - the reunion photos for the classes of 1952 and 1957 are available.
Greetings All and Happy New Year,
Its time to gather with friends and family for some CHOW, CHEER and HOOSIER HOSPITALITY!!!  The Annual UHS/BHS Winter Orgy will be held at noon on 25 Feb 2003 in sunny Florida .  Our hosts this year will be Peggy and Ted Moorman at their Tartan Acre place in North Port, Florida (about 45 minutes north of Ft. Meyers and 1 hour south of Tampa).
Class of 1951 Mini-Reunion plans are listed on the '51 page.
It was a grand weekend in Bloomington.  31 members (plus spouses and some siblings) of the class of  1952 met, and on Saturday afternoon at Tim and Betty Wininger's many members of the classes surrounding '52 ('50 thru '54 and some others) from both UHS and BHS joined '52 for a beautiful afternoon with good food and drink at Turtle Creek Farms.  The class of 1957 was also in town for the weekend, and 1951 had events planned, too.  All in all it was an active UHS weekend in Bloomington.
It's a big reunion weekend in Bloomington. 1952 and 1957 are both having reunions, and classmates from '51 and '53 and maybe others will be joining '52 at a Saturday picnic.
The layout of this page has been changed to add a link where you can go to change your registration information.  Use it also to send a message to have included on your class page.
RootsWeb has been having major server upgrades.  If something isn't working right, try again a bit later, or email
Photos from the class of 1957 have been added.
I removed any reference to discussions about an All School Reunion in 2002.  When and if such a reunion would be held, we'll talk about it in the Mailbox (formerly known as the Guestbook).   See below for plans for reunions for '44, '51, '52, and '57.
RootsWeb closed its non-genealogy "Community" mailing lists at the end of July 2002. The mailing list no longer exists.  It has been replaced by a new list, serving the same purpose.  The new address is: . Subscribers to the old RootsWeb list have been subscribed to the maddoc list.  The change does NOT affect this web page.  The address here will remain the same.
Becky Gregory sent this information several weeks ago about the death of Don Luft, coach at UHS during the 50's(?)  The obituary from which this was extracted was in the Bloomington Herald-Times.

"Donald Richard Luft, 72, (Feb 14, 1930--June 19, 2002) ..... was the last IU athlete to receive letters in three different sports: basketball, baseball, and football. After IU, Don spent two years in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. He played football for the Philadelphia Eagles, Calgary Stampeders, and Hamilton Tiger Cats. Afterwards, Don coached at University School, then was IU freshman basketball coach under Branch McCracken, and then assistant varsity coach under Lou Watson. He then became a broadcast partner with Hilliard Gates in announcing IU basketball.
Friends who wish may make memorial contributions to the Alzheimer's Foundation in care of Day Funeral Home."

Becky adds:  "I'm not sure exactly when Mr. Luft was at UHS, but I remember him, and I was there from 7th - 12th, 1957-1963.
Reed Martin ('64) sent photos of Phillips School and of Mr. McDaniels, the blind fiddler on the square.
Class of 1951 Reunion Photos have been posted (2/14).  More have been added (2/19).  Help identify the "unknowns".
Reed Martin sent some of his memories which he said could be posted.  I decided to open a Memories Page for items like this.  If you have anything you'd like to have added, send it to .
Jane Barr Torres of Bloomington, emailed on 2/11:  " I have just received word that Mr. Alwyn Carder, former UHS English faculty member, has passed away within the past couple of days.  He later taught at my alma mater, Union City Community High in Randolph Co., IN.  He was a wonderful teacher."   The Muncie Star has an online obituary at .
Reed Martin ('64) says: I have typed out many pages of Bloomington memories from my childhood. Will TRADE for memories of others.  Am subscribed to CLASSMATES, but can't find anything going on there. Anyone from Phillips School out there who wants to trade tales from the Knight Ridge and other places locked in our memories?  Will be coming out with my banjo to go to the Homer Spriggs reunion in September. Anyone know who he was? One of the gentlemen of the Bloomington area many years ago. Love to all - don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.
1/18/02 Greg Devejian '52 writes: There will be a University High School Alumni social gathering the weekend of  1-3 March 2002 in the Venice, Florida area. Food Fun and Fellowship in abundance! Details presently being finalized! For more information contact Tim Wininger 812-332-2591 email: or Greg Devejian 505-884-3801  email:
12/23/01 Christmas Day - Bloomington - Class of '63 - invited to get together.
12/12/01 Glen Edward Wampler, UHS 1946 , died 12/11/01 in Bloomington.
10/27/01 The Class of 1951 had a reunion the weekend of October 26 (?).  If someone sends photos or a summary they will get posted on their page.
9/05/01 The Mid-September Michigan mini-reunion for the Class of '44 will start Monday, Sep 17.  Gay Jellema Peterson is planning a gathering on Wednesday, Sep 19, for "extras" who would like to meet with the 44 folks.
8/05/01 Added the group photo from the 1971 Class Reunion. Other photos will be added later.
7/04/01 Congratulations to Sue Hays Talbot ('56), newly elected by alumni to the IU Board of Trustees.  See: .
I have just set up a Yahoo!Groups email list for the UHS Class of '52 under Schools/Classmates .  If this works well, other classes may want to try, too.  We'll let you know.  It's free.  NOTE 6/28: There is a link on the '52 page to subscribe.  It works!
6/19/01 Deborah Jane Brown '66 , died June 18 in Bloomington.  There is a memorial service today [6/19].
6/09/01 I have just set up a Yahoo!Groups email list for the UHS Class of '52 under Schools/Classmates .  If this works well, other classes may want to try, too.  We'll let you know.  It's free.  NOTE 6/28: There is a link on the '52 page to subscribe.  It works!
6/09/01 Becky Gregory sent an obituary for Jane Thomas Boruff Bolinger '60 , who died June 1.  The obituary is not yet on the web page, but you could try checking there later.  I can only put extractions on this web page, as the newspaper does hold the copyright for obituaries, as for other articles they publish.
6/05/01 The Class of '60 and Class of '55 are pretty much complete, and 1963 is leaving messages for classmates.
4/30/01 Photos from the Class of '54 45th reunion in 1999.
4/26/01 I added 4 Photos to the class of '44 site.
4/22/01 43 subscribers.  Have added what I have on faculty, and on deceased members of classes.  Let me know of additions or corrections, especially if people are mistakenly listed as deceased!
4/18/01 40 subscribers.   The Class of 1944 met for lunch at Chapman's in Bloomington on Monday, April 16th.
Click on this Class of 1944 link for more information.
4/16/01 39 subscribers.  Photos added. Enjoy yourselves at lunch today, class of '44!!
4/06/01 34 subscribers.  Added a "Who is Subscribed " link to the Mailing List table below.  This is hand generated so may not be exactly up to date.  Let me know how to fill in the missing information.
4/01/01 29 mailing list subscribers.  Check out the links for your classes and let me know of additions or corrections.  ( ).
This list has archives at .
You can now leave a message on the web, and can read messages left by others.  Scroll to the bottom of this page.
3/20/01 We now have 19 subscribers plus one or two spouse kibitzers - keep telling your classmates to join us!
3/15/01 IN-BLOOMINGTON-UHS announced in the RootsWeb Review.  Two subscriptions added - four subscribers total.
3/06/01 The list just started - Have you anything to add?  Email



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last update 13 January 2017