University High School
Bloomington, Indiana
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                  Class Pages, Photo Pages & Commencement Programs 1939
1940 1941 1942 1943
1945 1946 1947 1948 1949
1950 1951 1952
1955 1956 1957
1961 1962
1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 Faculty & Staff
Jordannus Scans

Send your anecdotes and reminiscences about people and events while you were at U-School to:
Dave Gray '65
Be sure to include your name and class.
Please put "Publish this" and your class year in the subject line, and I'll add them to your class page.
Stories submitted as of 12 May 2024: 2 (both 1965)

Please note: Deaths of former Faculty & Staff are posted to the
Faculty & Staff
page, and are not duplicated here.

Current Events / Announcements
18 Apr 2023 Contribute to the IU Archives
Do you have papers
– correspondence, diaries/journals, scrapbooks, photos, unique publications, etc. –
from your time at University School or Indiana University?
The IU Archives would love to talk with you about providing a permanent home for these materials!
Please contact Dina Kellams, Director of the IU Archives, at for further information.
28 Feb 2023 A Find-A-Grave contributor, whose login is G Kirkley, has been doing yeoman work
adding scanned photos from the senior pages of the early Jordannus yearbooks to existing Find-A-Grave pages,
and creating new pages when they did not already exist.
Most new pages do not have the burial location listed, as it is still unknown, despite intense research by us both.
And some corrections to the last entry:
There were only 34 members of the Class of '39.
The 10 people in the database coded "39B" (graduated from BHS) were never UHS students.
They were still around when the first All-Class Reunion was held, and were invited to attend.
I have removed them from the database.
26 Oct 2022 It is with some sadness, but no surprise, that we find that the last members of the Class of 1939 have passed on.
All 44 members were born more than 100 years ago; we were fortunate to be able to find death dates for them all.
Somehow, 10 of them graduated from Bloomington High School.
Also, two dropped back to graduate with the Class of 1940.
29 Jun 2022 Jud Brewer and his siblings - 8 kids attended U-School: Erich '68, Gene '69, Jud '71, Derk '73, Cassandra '74, Berit '77, Clark and Jeremiah -
asked this be posted:

To honor the incredible legacy of (UHS & BHSN football & wrestling) Coach Wayne Nichols and his wife Jan,
a permanent endowment fund has been established in their honor at the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County.
The Coach Wayne and Jan Nichols Exceptional Effort Fund will allow the Nichols family to make annual grants
to causes and organizations that embody the values of Coach Wayne and Jan,
in particular giving children and youth a bridge to opportunities that will help them succeed and thrive in life.

Donations can be made to the Community Foundation, designated for the Nichols' Fund, online at or by sending a check to:
Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, 100 S College Ave Suite 240, Bloomington IN 47404
For other types of gifts or ways to support this fund, contact Meagan Niese, Development Director, at 812-333-9016.
All gifts made to the Community Foundation are tax-deductible.

For more details, you can find information on the Facebook Events page.
Or click here to contact Jud Brewer
19 Jan 2022 Find-A-Grave has changed its policy on memorials created for recent deaths. For three months, very limited data will be shown,
unless the memorial was created by a close family member.
During that time, if a family member takes over management of the memorial, full data will be visible to all.
I watch the obituaries in the local paper, and other former Univees e-mail me with news of a death.
When I find a former UHS student has died, I check Find-A-Grave; if no memorial page exists, I create one.
Naturally, I am happy to transfer management if a family member asks.
But if no family member has asked for a transfer, please check the memorial page again after 3 months have passed.
If anyone has need of the information on a memorial that I created, just e-mail me and I can reply with a print-screen JPG image.
16 Jun 2020 Commencement Programs wanted
If you have UHS Commencement Programs you no longer need, please send them to me. (E-mail Dave Gray for my postal address.)
The Monroe County Historical Society has NO UHS Commencement Programs.
If you have a program for your class, and you do not see the word "Program" in the cell above for your class,
please contact me - I need a scan of all the pages to add to these Web pages.
10 Jun 2020 It is disappointing to realize that Univerity School, which was in existence from September of 1938 until June of 1972 (33 years & 9 months)
has now been gone for 48 years & 1 month!
10 June 2019 Scans of Senior photos, class photos, and faculty, from all 34 volumes of the Jordannus, are now available - click on the "Jordannus Scans" link above.
These are in Dropbox due to storage limits on the server where these pages are hosted.
Instructions for using Dropbox, including downloading files, are on the "Jordannus Scans" page.
6 June 2019 Possibly the most famous of Univees, Alice Mitchell Rivlin '48, died recently.
She was instrumental in creating the Congressional Budget Office and served as budget director, a cabinet-level post, under President Bill Clinton.
She also volunteered to help nurse the near-bankrupt District of Columbia government back to health in the 1990s by running its Financial Management Assistance Authority.
19 Apr 2019 Over the past couple of months, I have scanned the class photo pages from all 34 Jordannuses. These are held by the Monroe County Library & the Monroe County History Center, which is located in the old library building.
I am preparing these scans to be available here; this will probably be completed in the next week.
From these photo pages, I have added names to the database of UHS students who were only with us for a few years, some only one year or less. This has increased the size of the database from about 4500 people to nearly 9500 people!
I have started researching these people, using the local obituary database in the Monroe County Library, Find-A-Grave,
1930 & 1940 censuses, the Social Security Deaths Index, the database of marriages in, and
I have completed this research for only the first four classes. Needless to day, these are the smallest classes in the history of UHS.
I will continue working on this, but the task will probably not be completed this year.
Please check the page for your class, and for other classes with people you know (or knew),
and let me know if you have information to add, or if data I show is wrong.
Dave Gray '65
Also, I would like to acquire Jordannuses. The Library and History Center are missing a few volumes as well, and some volumes at the Library are in very poor condition.
I would also like commencement programs. (The History Center has NO commencement programs!)
Copies of the Quad newspaper would also be welcome.
If you have these & no longer want them, please contact me. Also, please tell your heirs & other family members.
25 Feb 2019 The daughter of Marilyn Joan Bartlett McCart contacted us recently. They lost her '56 Jordannus in a fire and would like to replace it.
Please contact Dave Gray if you have one available.
18 Nov 2018 Scans of the 1941 Jordannus yearbook are now available; details as below.
21 Sep 2018 Scans of the 1955 Jordannus yearbook are now available; details as below.
09 Sep 2018 Scans of the 1951 & 1953 Jordannus yearbooks are now available; details as below.
Also, if anyone has commencement programs that we do not have scanned, please contact Dave Gray '65.
18 Apr 2018 Scans of Jordannus yearbooks from 1956 through 1965 are now available:
the covers, and the pages with senior pictures & other classes - in some cases down to Nursery School.
I will be scanning other years at the county library, but last I checked they are missing the Jordannuses for the following years:
1942, 1943, 1944, 1964, 1966, 1970, and 1972.
A contribution of a missing volume would be welcome.
6 Mar 2018 We have edited the e-mail addresses that appear on the Class pages. Instead of, they will now say name [at] service [dot] com.
The hope is this will make them less susceptible to spammers using automated programs to search the Web for e-mail addresses.
However, there is one side effect: When you copy an address to paste into the To: field of a message, you will have to edit it.
Change the [at] back to @ and the [dot] back to . Be sure to remove all spaces in the address.
5 Feb 2018 Commencement programs have been added for the classes of 1953 & 1968.
Thanks to those who submitted the scans.
7 Aug 2017 Marian Armstrong Memorial Scolarship
An endowment has been established at IU in honor of Marian Armstrong, our beloved librarian, who died last summer.
This endowment will be used to support scholarships for graduate students majoring in information and library science
who are completing internships at tax-supported public and nonprofit organizations.
Gifts of all sizes are welcome, and may be made by check, wire transfer, stock. etc.
The contact person is Kate Gagnon,, 812-856-0339.
Checks should be made out to "IU Foundation" with "Marian Armstrong Scholarship" in the memo line,
and mailed to Kate Gagnon, Informatics East, 919 E 10th St, Bloomington, IN 47408
25 June 2017 Recently, a spam e-mail was sent to many members of the Class of '65. The sender probably used the list of e-mail addresses on this website.
If you wish to have your e-mail address removed from these pages, just contact me.
I will still keep your address in the database, but I will remove it from your Class page on these web pages. Dave Gray '65
30 Apr 2017 All class pages were updated today, reflecting the changes in data from those responding to the mass e-mailing
and information from class representatives. Thanks to all.
29 Apr 2017 E-mails have been sent to all who have addresses on file. About 445 have been returned for invalid addresses.
385 people have confirmed their e-mail address, and 775 remain unconfirmed.
If you received a message, please reply if you have not done so already.
The class web pages will reflect the updated contact data in a few days.
Thanks to those who answered the message, and thanks to everyone for your patience.
20 Apr 2017 E-mails are going out to all who have e-mail addresses on file. There are about 1400, so this will take a couple of weeks.
We are asking that Univees respond by hitting "reply" and adding their current mailing address and phone number to the message.
Please help me (Dave Gray '65) update the database.
Many messages have bounced back with undeliverable addresses. The e-mail addresses on the individual class web pages will be updated soon to reflect this.
If your e-mail address is not on the list on your class page, please contact me: Dave Gray '65
Mar 2017 UHS students from the '60s fondly remember our librarian, Marian Armstrong. Marian died last year,
and a gathering of friends is planned for her birthday, Saturday, June 24, at the town park in Springville (in northwestern Lawrence County).
It will be a bring-your-own picnic at 11-1, or thereabouts.
Feb 2017 The Indiana Room at the Monroe County Public Library has a collection of local high school yearbooks.
They are missing the Jordannus for the following years: 1942, 1943, 1944, 1964, 1966, 1970, and 1972.
A contribution of a missing volume would be welcome.
Jan 2017 Welcome to the new all-class University High School Web pages!
David Gray '65 has taken over the project (and the accompanying contact list database) from Margaret Edmondson Olson '52,
We hope you like the new version.
Please note the new Web address:
Send contact information updates to: David Gray '65
Please bear with me as I redo these pages. I will have them as complete as possible before posting them, but many of the links will still need editing.
But if something still does not work by, say, June, I would appreciate it if you would let me know.
As on Margaret's pages, each Class page has Messages, Reunion information, and three tables:
Class members with known contact information,
Class memmbers for whom we have no current contact information,
and deceased Class members.
If you see an error, please let me know!
(especially if you see someone listed as deceased who is still living!)
If anyone knows who might have commencement programs for which we do not have scans (click here),
please let me know & we’ll find a way to get them onto the Web pages.
I also have scans of a few of the Univee Quad newspapers, and would like more if they can be found.
For entries in the database, we consider anyone who attended University School at any time to be alumni.
This applies whether the person graduated from UHS, transferred to another school, or moved away from Bloomington.
Thus we have the classses of 1973 through1977 listed above, though the last class to graduate from UHS was 1972.For example, the Class of '77 was in 7th grade when the last Jordannus was published, in 1972.
There are many people in our database who were at University School for only a few years. We welcome them all.
8/7/14 This website is updated very infrequently. Class lists have not been updated as they should have been. I apologize profusely. There are many ways these days to discover your classmates online and to have contact them them that I fell way behind. If you are looking for reunion dates or classmates try contacting others in your class (see your class list) to find out what they know. The class lists show at the bottom a "last update" date. I may start updating this fall ('14). Again - my apologies. MJO webmaster.
11/28/11 Were you in a Crest commercial in 1961? Do you know otheres who were? You may find your commercial online. Phil Terman ('62) posted this email to our UHS listserv - "For all who were in the Crest commercial in 1961, I finally found the finished productions courtesy of Christine Weever from Proctor & Gamble Corporate Communications. See her message below and the link to the Duke University archives. There are three different locations and it seems that they made multiple variations from the same basic shoot. The chem lab shoot is on 9, 10 & 18. There is another series (11,13, & 17) that appear to be in another Jordan Av. building classroom but I don't recognize any of the faces. Finally, # 5 & 12 may have been shot in the Student Union Bldg, perhaps in the Tudor Room. However, I thought there was a production that was shot in Alumni Hall which I have yet to find. Besides myself in 9 & 18, can anybody help out with face identification? Phil T. '62 ---- Original Message ----- To: Phil Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 12:44 PM Subject: Re: Crest TV ad from 1961 Phil: I talked with our archivist, and here's what he shared with me:: We do not have these commercial spots in our collection, however, there is something very similar to them in the online collection of Duke University’s Hartmann Center for Advertising. Here’s the link: The Hartmann Center at Duke was given the archives of the Benton & Bowles advertising agency several years back. They’ve placed many of them online for educational and personal purposes, so you might want to review the spots on that site. You can also download them using iTunes.
11/15/09 After another long delay, I'm going to try to whip this website back into shape. You who have sent me address updates or other things, take heed - I might get them in the right places pretty soon. ... Margaret (web person).
  earlier announcements (2001 thru 2008) are archived on a separate page.
3/15/01 IN-BLOOMINGTON-UHS announced in the RootsWeb Review. Two subscriptions added - four subscribers total.
3/06/01 The web page and the IN-BLOOMINGTON-UHS-L mailing list were started by Margaret Edmondson Olson '52 with only the most nebulous of ideas and plans.

  Other Bloomington Schools  
University Elementary School (1938-now) Monroe County Community School Corporation IUHS - "virtual" high school (1999-now)
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HoosierNet Bloomington Web Guide Bloomington & Monroe County Facts
Downtown Bloomington Webcam   Bloomingpedia This Little Town Bloomington Guide
Monroe County IN USGenWeb (genealogy) Monroe County Historical Society Monroe County Public Library

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Contact : David Gray '65

The URL name registration and the hosting for these web pages costs $40 per year.

If you would like to contribute, please contact me, David Gray '65

Updated 11 Oct 2024